• Last modified 1456 days ago (May 7, 2020)


may 6, 1920

Merchants of Marion are planning on having a Dollar Day on May 26. Every merchant going into the movement will have some special bargain on that day which can be bought for one dollar.

About 125 representative business men of Wichita were here Saturday afternoon on the trade trip after a week spent in the southwest. They came on a special train on the Santa Fe from the west and were here about an hour.

Mr. Stone and Mr. Bogoslawsky have opened a junk shop in the building just west of the Exide battery station. They are in the market for any of the articles usually handled in such a business.

The Marion Dancing Club had an overall and apron dance at the hall east of Pilsen last Thursday evening. Quite a large crowd attended and some amusing costumes displayed. Lunch was served by the ladies. The club will have a tacky dance on May 13th.

The juvenile operetta, “Mother Goose and Company,” will be given by the lower grade children of the Marion schools May 12 at the M.E. Church. The operetta includes the principal characters of Mother Goose Land. Twenty children will participate.

Last modified May 7, 2020