• Last modified 1406 days ago (July 2, 2020)


july 2, 1880

The Record job office has just turned out some neat wedding invitations, but it’s none of your business for whom.

Hillsboro is to have a bank.

Rev. Mr. Hamilton has purchased a full block, beautifully located on Lincoln Avenue, Southern addition, and will probably erect a residence thereon this summer.

While Wessie Artz was rambling around barefooted on the banks of the Cottonwood, near his father’s residence the other day, a black snake coiled around his leg, being shaken off with difficulty but not till it had frightened Wessie out of a year’s growth.

There will be a grand mass meeting and basket picnic held by the temperance people of Marion county, at Marion Centre, Saturday, July 24th. Governor John P. St. John has formally accepted an invitation to be present and address the people.

Judge Williams has put down a good, substantial sidewalk in front of his residence property on Main street.

We have seen a draft of a residence to be erected this summer at Elm and Lawrence streets by Mr. A. W. Brewerton. It is to be built of brick with stone finish, 44x60 feet, two stories. It will be erected on the commanding eminence recently purchased by Mr. Brewerton for that purpose and will be adorned on the top by an observatory that will afford a fine view of the whole city and of the country for many miles around in all directions.

Last modified July 2, 2020