• Last modified 1456 days ago (May 7, 2020)


may 4, 1950

A picture by Leslie Broadstreet and his Moderne Studio is one of only 21 American photographs selected for display at the International Photography Salon in Norton-on-Tees of England. The picture is of Lloyd Davies and is entitled “The Sheriff.”

The pupils of Loveless School and their teacher, Mrs. Jack Spain spent, Wednesday in Wichita celebrating the end of the school year.

They visited the KFH radio station, Wichita Beacon newspaper, police department, Steffens, Joyland Park, and the zoo.

They had lunch at Wolf’s Cafeteria and a picnic supper at in the park before attending a movie at 81 Drive-In.

Pupils going were Gerry and Mary Herzet, Jean and Judy Whitford, Linda and John Wayne Gutsch, Loretta Jewett, Jon Soyez, Etta Mae Rempel, and Roma and Clarice Collett.

Laura Jane Bredemeier, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Bredemeier, won the district preliminary contest for State Dairy Queen at Salina Saturday and went to Stockton Wednesday for the state finals.

A sizable contingent of Marion Boy Scouts went to Topeka Saturday and took part in the ceremonies on the statehouse grounds dedicating the replica of the Statue of Liberty presented to Kansas by the Boy Scouts.

Last modified May 7, 2020