• Last modified 3305 days ago (April 15, 2015)


Action missing at council meeting

Staff writer

Peabody City Council discussed a variety of topics Monday night, but conducted little business.

Successful write-in candidate Tom Spencer, Megan Holt, and incumbent Travis Wilson will take their places on Peabody City Council at the next meeting April 27, along with re-elected Mayor Larry Larsen.

Following a 10-minute executive session to discuss personnel, council members returned to open session and voted to give Todd Woodruff a 50 cent per hour raise. Woodruff recently passed a water operator’s certification class.

In other business:

  • Larsen reviewed work being done on pool repairs and the new handicap sidewalk being installed at the east side of the pool. Discussion was had about the eventual need for a new or expanded pool house that includes handicap amenities. The city will rent a portable restroom facility for use again this summer.
  • Councilman Steve Rose reported Peabody fire trucks had been tested for pumping efficiency and passed, pumping 1,000 gallons of water per second.
  • Councilman Bob Knapp reported that initial conversations with department heads about holding the line on budget requests had not gone well, with most budgets cut, but still coming in at about 3 percent over the city’s anticipated income. He said he intends to call a budget meeting soon to rework department budget proposals.
  • Larsen reported that Kansas Department of Transportation is ready to act on its $50,000 grant to the city for a directional sign at the corner of Peabody St. and US-50. He had not received word about when the work would begin.
  • City Clerk Stephanie Lago said several applications for the city treasurer position had been picked up and two returned. It was agreed that Lago should make wording changes to the ad before running it again.
  • The auction of the house at 213 E. Division St. and city-owned lots was discussed. The council decided to remove the lot at the corner of Sycamore and Second Sts. from the sale. Larsen said he and Lago would contact Lyle Leppke about setting up the sale and getting a sale bill printed.

Last modified April 15, 2015