• Last modified 3936 days ago (July 31, 2013)


Compiled from past issues

july 30, 2003

Another wreck at the U. S. 77 and U. S. 50 intersection at Florence claimed the life of a Marion teenage girl and Kinsley teenage girl.

Helen Farnsworth Worthen of North Andover, Mass., and Naples, Fla. died July 10. She was the mother of Lynn Berns.

Doyle Valley Farmers Market and the Peabody Community band will be host for an evening of dining and music Aug. 24 in Santa Fe Park.

july 28, 1988

Frank Woodruff, gas line foreman in Peabody, recently celebrated 25 years with KPL.

Patricia Ketchum returned after a weeklong conference in Gracefield, Mass.

Beth and Milt Holloway, former Peabody residents, are enrolled in a Pritikin Longevity Center in California. The training was recommended by doctors concerned with Holloway’s heart problem and diabetes.

aug. 1, 1963

The Navy may be in for some problems of identification after Sept. 3 when the Winter triplets will be called to active duty.

Improved veterinary service for the Peabody community is the expected result of the establishment in Peabody this week of an office for W.M. Thies of Hillsboro.

Mr. and Mrs. Tom Fowler moved Tuesday to Mrs. Appleby’s apartment vacated last week by Mr. and Mrs. Cal Reimer. Mr. and Mrs. Fowler are teachers in the Peabody school system this year.

July 30, 1913

The Peabody Chautauqua was placed on permanent footing this spring when an organization was perfected to which 100 signatures already have been obtained. D.L. Moffett is president.

D.L.G. Herbert ate dinner twice in the county near Peabody, a guest of J.L. Heath of Fairplay and O.A. Herbert of Summit. He has been a lecturer in Chicago and is from Chicago.

Dan Yost is building a 28 foot by 40 foot barn of O.G. Bailey northwest of town on the W.A. Skiles farm.

july 28, 1888

Country produce is being taken in exchange at Brueser’s.

This hot weather—it is just delicious to stop in and partake of the excellent ice cream at E.F. Seybold’s. We can vouch for it, for we have just tried it.

Anna Jones went to Osage City this week for a visit with her parents. She will return in time to commence the fall term in our high school, which we consider one of the best in the state.

The fair grounds and track have never been in better shape and everything looks auspicious for the grand fair this fall.

Last modified July 31, 2013