• Last modified 3437 days ago (Dec. 3, 2014)


Compiled from past issues

dec. 15, 2004

A card shower was requested for SP/4 Travis L. Davis who is stationed in Iraq.

Tom and Susie Schmidt hosted a Christmas Open House Sunday afternoon for about 60 guests.

Robert Coben, who lived in Peabody from 1954 to 1967, would like to find the recipe for Snack Burgers that were sold at the Dari-Ette across from the old high school.

dec. 14, 1989

Ed Grimwood came to Burns to manage Grimwood and Son Hardware in 1938, more than a half-century ago. Last week he announced this firm will change hands for the first time since he was involved. Buyers are Ray and Susan Savage of Burns.

Former PHS football coach Dennis Franchione will take over the football program at Southwestern Texas State at San Marcos, Texas, a school of about 21,000.

Bob Marshall announces Peabody High School band fruit will arrive Thursday.

dec. 1o, 1964

Donna Skinner, a freshman at Kansas Wesleyan University, is a member of their Philharmonic Choir. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Merle Skinner.

Belle Ebright still remains at Bethel Hospital in Newton. She is improving slowly.

Chuck Southwood has opened a barbershop in the building most recently occupied by Fisher Plumbing.

dec. 10, 1914

The Anti-Horse Thief Association at its last meeting voted an assessment of 60 cents a year. This becomes due Jan. 1, 1915.

The Florence phone office was fumigated for smallpox last week and traffic suspended for only three hours.

Don’t let your auto freeze up. Ask us about an anti-freezing mixture. This fluid has been used with us the past year. Guaranteed. Peabody Auto and Garage Company.

nov. 28, 1889

Celery and oysters at the City Bakery.

Sylvenus Westbrook is back from Nebraska.

There was a shooting match announced for yesterday (Wednesday) at the old Wilcox Mill.

Last modified Dec. 3, 2014