• Last modified 3437 days ago (Dec. 3, 2014)


Former Centre superintendent visits White House

Staff writer

Jerri Kemble, former principal/superintendent of Centre schools, in November attended the first-ever National Connected Superintendents Summit hosted by President Barack Obama at the White House.

Kemble was selected by the U.S. Department of Education among 100 school leaders from across America to participate and be recognized for their leadership in helping transition their school districts to digital learning.

Kemble was instrumental in establishing the Kansas Online Learning Program at Centre. It enrolls young people and adults across Kansas in online academic courses.

In his White House address to superintendents, President Obama asked district leaders to sign the “Future Ready District Pledge” in support of his effort to connect 99 percent of the nation’s students to high speed Internet in the next four years.

“In a country where we expect Wi-Fi with our coffee, the least we can do is expect that our schools are properly wired,” Obama said.

The superintendents not only visited the White House but met with senior advisers.

“There was a sense of urgency in the air,” Kemble said. “The White House made it clear that the superintendents in attendance were being called to action. We must step up, lead a culture of collaboration, and find creative solutions to the issues that face our districts. We are the ones who must ensure that our districts are providing learning experiences that are excellent, engaging, and equitable.”

Kemble was at Centre schools from 2007 to 2013 before becoming assistant superintendent of Lawrence Public Schools in 2013.

Last modified Dec. 3, 2014