• Last modified 3211 days ago (July 22, 2015)



Residents remain busy in July

Burns correspondent

Jessica Sayers of Wichita and Bruce Sayers of Burns were supper guests July 12 of Lawrence and Lois Sayers. They celebrated Jessica’s birthday.

Bonnie and Al Plummer left July 9 for Ruidoso, New Mexico, to visit Bonnie’s brother, Cliff Lambert, and his family. They returned home July 13.

Ronnie and Patti Gaines went to Madison to celebrate Brooke’s birthday July 11. The next day they met Kenny and Roma Koehn of Galva, attended Burns United Methodist Church, ate lunch in El Dorado, and returned home.

Renferd and Wanda Koehn visited his father, Nathan, July 12 in Moundridge.

Diane Nelson picked up Marie Clark and they went to help Jen Stucky celebrate her birthday July 9 in Newton. Jarrett and Lisa Johnson arrived at Marie’s the next day and told about a recent tour of Germany.

Marvin and Sherol Nightengale took Marie, Sally Matz of Peabody and Norma Riggs of Marion to Wichita on July 14. They met Sonny and Joan Clark of El Dorado at Joyce Barker’s, and all celebrated Sonny’s birthday.

Burns Senior Citizens met July 14 for their monthly potluck. Twenty-two attended. The program was sharing a joke or story.

Last modified July 22, 2015