• Last modified 3305 days ago (April 15, 2015)


BURNS NEWS:   Residents share Easter weekend news

Burns correspondent

Easter weekend guests of Marvin and Sherol Nightengale were Mitch and Cathy Foote of Manhattan, Brandon and Kristen Wilde, Brock and Sophie of Kansas City, Brad and Dianne Nightengale of El Dorado, Casey Nightengale of Wichita, and Roger Nightengale and Lori Marshall.

On April 2, Ronnie and Patti Gaines picked up Brooke Gaines at Madison for Easter weekend. Her parents and uncle Dusty Gaines joined them on April 4. On Easter Sunday, they all attended Burns United Methodist Church. Brooke and her parents and Dusty Gaines returned to their homes in the afternoon.

Easter dinner guests of Renferd and Wanda Koehn, Lonnie and Carolee, were Nathan Koehn, and Vernon and Judy Koehn.

Josh and Ashley Wiebe, Seth, Faith, and Devon celebrated Easter with family in the evening on April 4 at the Gary Thiessen home. Easter Sunday, they joined other family members at the home of Grandpa and Grandma Schwindt at Whitewater.

Lawrence and Lois Sayers, Bruce Sayers, Tom and Esther Archer of Cottonwood Falls, and Gunter and Sheila Liebherr of Andover were Easter Sunday dinner guests of Sandy Sayers in El Dorado. Jessica Sayers of Wichita and a friend called on them later in the afternoon.

Bob Kyle called on Joyce Kyle in the evening April 2.

Joyce Kyle accompanied Glenn and Daytha Langenegger to Asbury Park Easter Sunday to enjoy dinner with the family of Mary Langenegger.

On April 2, Burns United Methodist Women went to Newton and met Laverna Parrish of Hesston at Asbury Park. They called on Mary Langenegger and Eleanor Davidson. They ate lunch and then attempted to visit Ivan and Margaret Morgan, but they were unavailable. They were able to visit Pastor Jim and Joan Bush.

The group making the trip included Lucille Robinson, Beverly Morgan, Dorene Kirkpatrick, and Kyle. Kyle and Kirkpatrick also visited Don Gfeller and his daughter Donna, who was visiting from Pennsylvania.

Last modified April 15, 2015