• Last modified 2531 days ago (June 8, 2017)


Trailer to aid in grain bin rescues

Nearby fire districts are cooperating to create a new rescue service designed to free victims who have become trapped in grain bins.

A grain engulfment trailer and a team specially trained to use it will be available for mutual aid in McPherson County and surrounding counties.

Canton’s fire department last fall received a key element, a grain rescue tube that can surround a victim and prevent additional grain from falling on him or her during extrication.

Galva’s department also has an auger that can remove grain.

The trailer will combine these items and more into a complete rescue service.

Using matching money from agribusiness giant Land O’ Lakes, Cooperative Grain and Supply, based in Hillsboro, has contributed $800 to the effort.

The trailer is being stored at Canton, and fire crews have been trained, so it’s ready to go.

CG&S general manager Jerry Fenske said co-ops conduct regular training on grain-handling safety, and strict rules are in place to prevent grain engulfment accidents. He said the trailer probably would be needed more for engulfments in on-farm storage bins.

“Let’s hope they never have to use it,” he said.

Last modified June 8, 2017